Well I think my COCD has taken over again... (Crochet Obssessive Compulsive Disorder)... or maybe it's CADD (Crochet Attention Deficit Disorder).... ? I know I have a problem. I just can't control myself when it comes to starting a new fun project. I don't care how many I have going... Although, I *have* cleaned out my WIP pile, and got rid of three things (four, actually) I will never finish. A shawl that is all matted and had a glob of (something?) on it that just sealed the deal for me. I didn't like working with that yarn, I could hardly see what I was doing, it got all matted from just laying there... I just threw it away. :0 Then, there was the Granny Chevron sweater I CANNOT figure that pattern out. It's so irritating. So, I threw out the piece I had going, and the back piece is laying there. I don't know what to do with it. Maybe I can donate it for a cat blanket or something to the Humane Society. Just have to weave in some ends.... And lastly, there was a teddy bear cuddle blanket I finished the 'blanket' part, but I am never going to get to the teddy bear part.... (sigh). The fourth one was a bunny scarf/hat/mitten set. I used the blue and white for the afghan below... So, I don't feel totally guilty starting another project right now. Especially when, I just started these afghans, and look how far I am with both of them! I saw
Samijofitz's 'Granny Star Ghan' on Crochetville. She said she made it up, and had it written down.... So I patiently (HA!!~ NOT!!) waited day by day to see if she posted it in the 'Seeking Pattern Testers' thread, or in the 'Original Designs' thread... No? Maybe she put a link in the thread where she posted about her afghan.... Sigh.... Well yesterday I checked again, and it was there!! In
'Original Patterns'... I
immediately got my yarn out and an I hook (since I couldn't find my J, but she said she crochets tight, so maybe if I crochet loose.... :P) Anywho, I got pretty far just yesterday. I would have gotten farther, but I had to frog about eight rounds, I wasn't getting the 'V'. I think I'll do this one maybe in the same colors she made hers, just opposite stripes... Or, I might do the next stripe in the same blue I made the Diego bag in, if I have enough....

And here is the progress I have made on the Baby Granny Square Ghan! I totally love this afghan. It's so soft!! When I'm done with all the squares, I will do a few rounds around the whole thing. Just something simple, probably.
Yesterday we drove out to the new house, to bug bomb it. UGH.... I forgot the keys!! Duh!! (It is an hour drive there...) Well, we at least got the electric in our name. We'll have to go back today to bomb it (lol) and then tomorrow we are moving. :0 So probably next time you *see* me, I won't be here. I'll be somewhere else. :P (In our new house... hee hee)
That would be a wonderful star ghan, Tina, I like the green color. Looks like you made a lot of progress on the baby ghan.
I too have a lot of abandoned WIPs, but they are mostly small projects that don't take up much space. I still keep them to remind me what mistakes I made...
Is it okay of I join you with your COCD?
I say I have ADHCD which is Attention Deficent Hyperactivity when it come to Crochet Disorder. I have to have something in my hands all the time (except on the computer and I will probably figure that out someday.)
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