Here is the after picture of his arm. (After they pulled it straight... :( They had some term they used, reversing, or something like that....) You can hardly see the bottom bone where it was broken. The top one is still a little off, but the ER and the ped. ortho. doctors both said it will heal back normally. They will take an x-ray next week when we go in before they put the cast on. If it still looks good they will just have to put on a cast. So hopefully it will heal nicely. He said they don't want to mess with it at this point (not in those words, of course...) because it will cause him more pain and possibly do more damage to put a cast on right now. If we wait til the 10 day point, it will be healed more and cause less pain. (Hopefully it will cause little to no pain, but he did give us a scrip for Childrens' Tylenol with Codeine to give 30 minutes prior to the procedure...) Hopefully this will all work out nicely in the end, heal up nice and be okay in the long run.... A side point.... I still get upset looking at the first x-ray. When we were in the doctors' office, other 'personnel' kept coming in the room, 'gawking' at his x-ray. I wanted to
punch them! I don't know why, but it irritated me SO bad!! Maybe because I get so upset looking at it myself? I felt at the least, like saying, 'Do you mind?! There is such a thing as patient privacy, and you are violating our privacy.' (I don't know if technically they were, but just to get them out of there....) I know, I am posting them here for the whole world to see, but... for some reason it irritated me. Anyway..... He is doing well and hardly in any pain at all, except at night. I'm so glad for that. :)
I am working on finishing up his Diego bag. Don't know if I ever posted about that or not? Yup, I did,
here. (Fourth picture down...) I haven't finished this yet, because I haven't been able to find any graph paper that was wide or long enough to do a graph to say '***'s Stuff' or whatever... But yesterday, I got to thinking, 'He loves games lately. I bet he would love it if I made him a tic-tac-toe game on the back.' Like the
Tic-Tac-Tote I saw at Crochetville. At first he said no. I was really surprised. But then later he said yes. I figured out a graph (writing over the one in the magazine.... :/ ) to do his name on the bottom of the bag. I'm about half way done with the back, then I'll have to do the game pieces and the tic-tac-toe part of it & sewing up/liner..... and the handle. It should go quickly though. Then, next time we go to the doctors, he can bring some books, or paper, to draw, while we wait. (Did I mention we waited for an hour and a half yesterday?) :-{
Well have a good day everyone.
Anything painful or difficult for our child, we experience it in a much more painful way...hopefully, your son is more relaxed now (granted you are still worried), but I assume the doctor and hospital staff are doing such a good job.
I too would be so irritated at the other staff who are not directly concerned with the treatment and do not observe patient privacy. I might have said something...
It seems like there's always at least an hour waiting time at the doctor...that's a good time to crochet ;)
I wish I would have brought something to crochet. I could have gotten a lot done. :) I think they are doing a good job, I guess it is just different here than in Michigan. I'm really surprised I haven't had an anxiety attack through all of this. (sigh....) Thanks, Mimi. :(
At least the x-rays let you know the extent of injury and how the healing progresses.
I also have a similar story, Tina. I think I haven't told it in my blog. In April 2005, my older son had ankle surgery due to a sports injury. I was really terrified of the fact that they're going to operate on him...I couldn't get myself to do anything else while waiting at the hospital room.
And also it was very hard to take care of him at home because he could hardly walk.
That would be even harder than an arm! I was also scared they were going to have to operate. I kept hearing them say, 'In case we have to operate...' :0 I hope your son's ankle healed well. Sports injuries seem to always be bad, too. :( I don't think I could have crocheted in the ER at all, I was a nervous wreck. But I might have been able to yesterday. ;P
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