Sunday, April 28, 2024

Time To Make The Donuts

Do you remember that Dunkin Donuts commercial? :P I said it when I was making these donuts. I was craving a cinnamon-sugar donut last week. And I thought later, "Oh yeah! I have that donut pan..." So the next day, I looked up a recipe and made some. They are so yummy. (What wouldn't be yummy about butter and fat and cinnamon and sugar?...) Especially warm out of the oven with a cup of coffee. I might gain back all the weight I've lost from chemo if I keep eating like this. :P  I might make some more. My husband is working all weekend. :(  So what is there to do..  Except bake. And crochet.

 I just wanted to say how bad Elsie is...   #1 Look at her, standing on the table. She thinks she can do whatever she wants.  #2. She keeps killing animals outside. Snakes, I don't really care about. But last night she killed a baby bunny out in the back yard. :(  Then, (#3) a little later after she came in, she just attacked Jaxson out of nowhere. Eon got her away and took her up into his room. I'm glad he's so calm with her. I wanted to break her little neck. I don't know why she would do that. (I googled it too.) Except if it's a dominance thing. She's 14/15 months old?  Ugh...   I don't have the energy to deal with that. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024


I don't know why, but I have been in the mood to do frog things lately. Oh I think I do know why. One of my Facebook friends (crochet since Crochetville and the one webpage Kathy ran-Crochetmania?) messaged me about a frog she had been crocheting. And I started looking for frog crochet patterns. Then someone wrote me a letter with a froggy sticker on the envelope. So that made me want to make a frog card. I got an idea for one on Pinterest. Mine did not come out as cute... :/  
And this is a frog I started to crochet. But, I can't go any farther because I have to stuff the head then close it. I used all my stuffing on the Purple Hippo Pillow.  Sigh.... And we have no money right now. I will have to figure out something else to crochet... Sigh...    

Today and tomorrow the weather is going to be warmer, high 70's. Today is wet and rainy. Maybe I'll see a real frog.:P  I'm glad it finally decided to be Spring. It's been cold, grey, windy and rainy for I don't know how long. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Some More FO's

I have been in a crocheting funk lately. Not knowing what to crochet. I want to crochet something, but I don't know *what*...  I was going through my patterns one day to try and see if i could find anything. And I thought, "What about a pillow?" I have a couple pillow books. Then I thought "Wait. What about that purple hippo I started a long time ago?" So I dug that out and I finished it. I had everything done except the back piece. 

And, I needed a 12 by 16 inch pillow form. Well I wasn't going to go buy one. (This is why I didn't finish it, I think... It involved sewing.) Well I dug my sewing machine out and dug some purple fabric out, and I sewed a pillow. I used every last piece of stuffing I had.  And I finished it. This is a "If I ever have a grandbaby" toy...  
I had been working on some little bags. I found the pattern for this strawberry one on Instagram. The Instagram username is clOudyches. She has a couple more bags on there, too. She says to "DM her for the patterns." But there is no way to DM her. And she doesn't answer anyone's questions. So... I winged it for the other bags. I used the basic bag pattern and then went by the picture and thinking "how to do this"...  Oh, and she has since crocheted a bigger version of this same strawberry bag. (But still hasn't answered mine or anyone else's questions on her page...) These were a lot of work doing all the fruits/swirl, and the "beads" and ties, and sewing everything on and weaving in all the ends..
This is a swirly one. The one she did was pinks. I was thinking, this would look really cute in tan and brown. Like "chocolate". :P 
And this one is "blueberries". She also had a grape bag and a cherry bag. I was thinking about sending this one to my DIL. I'm sending the strawberry one to someone else. 
And, I am still in a big crochet funk. I started a frog. But, I can't go any farther because I used all my stuffing up on the hippo pillow. And I'm at the "Stuff" part of the head... Sigh..  I have another WIP I could finish, but I need some fuzzy balls for the eyes. (Which, I don't have any of. Of course..) Well that's all for now. Going to go look to see if I can find anything I want to crochet...