My ear is still hurting today. Yesterday after the tylenol wore off, it didn't hurt for like six hours!! Then it started hurting at night. So I took two more. Woke up at 2:30; took some more. :( Had to take some more at 11, I think. Sat down and cried. I am not a crier. I will get mad and yell or stew for days (months, or years LOL) before I cry. It takes a lot to make me cry. I don't know if I said in my last post, but the dentist said the pain should be less each day. Well it is *less* but it still hurts pretty bad. If it doesn't go away, I will have to see an Ear Nose Throat specialist. He said three or four days. So we'll see. Today is only the first day. Sigh....
Well I need to work on my testing *thing* now. Now that the tylenol has kicked in and my tea is done maybe I can calm my nerves...
Oh Tina, I hope you are feeling better. I really wish the doctors find the cause of the pain, and not just give temporary relief.
I know I have enough pain killers, I want to fix what is causing the pain. :( I got a referral to an ENT and am calling them first thing in the morning. I hope they can get me in tomorrow or I will see if I can get into my regular doctor. Seems ridiculous you can't even get into see a doctor (and when you do they don't know what is wrong with you...) Sigh... Thank you Mimi. :)
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