Sunday, September 02, 2007

More on the Pansy Doily...

I thought I had made some of the pansies to this doily, too. I was looking through all of my purple variegated thread balls, trying to find them... But I couldn't... Well then I thought, 'oh yeah, I was using yellow, too...' so I started looking through all of my yellows, and found them~ yay!! I think I counted seven. Yup, there's seven in the picture. So I only have nine more to do. It's kinda fun finding things almost done. (If you still have the right yarn or thread to finish them, that is...) The variegated yellow is actually a ball of thread that I think my husbands' late great aunt gave me. She went blind later in life and couldn't see well enough to crochet any more. I felt guilty taking her threads. But she said she wanted me to have them. This was one of the balls that had any significant amount left. And I do love the variegated threads.... :p

1 comment:

A Playful Yarn Again said...

I love these cool!

Thanks for all the comments you've been are certainly in the lead for the most posts so far.

You should consider coming over to CrochetMania and join us there. It's a lot of fun.

Offering to get an apple picture and send it to me is way too kind...I would absolutely love it. I can even send you the money through paypal for the pic and the postage. My email address is

Thanks a bunch!!