Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

...a day late. This is a picture of my Dad. He served over in Germany during Vietnam.  Yesterday Eons' school had a Veterans Day Program. Parents were invited to attend, so I went.

Not a very good picture of the screen. It says "Thank You Veterans".  They also showed all the pictures of Veterans that students (or faculty/staff) brought in. I only saw a thumbnail of my Dad, but Eon said they did show a big shot of him. I must have missed it. :(   My phone was dead (of course, only would happen to me..)  I didn't think to charge it up before I left. I had to go out to the truck, plug it in and wait. Then I went back in to get more pictures, after the program..

The Hero Wall. :)

My Dads picture beside other heros.
A table set up in remembrance..

It was a wonderful program. I almost didn't go. But I'm glad I did. The students did a wonderful job! The band played a lot of songs, the choir sung several songs. It was so beautiful. I almost cried a couple times.  At the end of the program, the band played all the songs for each division (?) of armed forces. Ie: The song for the Army, the song for the Navy, etc..  While each song was playing, if any of the audience was a member of that group, they all stood up.   They never had anything like that in Nevada. They didn't even have auditioriums in the schools in Nevada.   

A day late, but.. Better than never.  :P 
Happy 11-12-13.

1 comment:

paula said...

I LOVE the remembrance tables for the fallen soldiers . . . how everything on it has a specific purpose.

Good for Eon's school for doing this. It teaches them more about Veterans Day than any lesson a teacher could teach.