Saturday, June 02, 2012

Random Stuff...

I used my Fendi Knockoff Bag yesterday. Only to go get the kids from school, but...  :P I might use it today, too. If we go anywhere. I've been trying to use the things I have crocheted, or knitted. (Mostly in wearables- I use all my dishcloths/potholders, etc..)   And, I have been trying to finish up UFOs.  (Sigh..)  I got out my Hialeah Bag to work on it. I was only not even halfway done with all the motifs. (Sigh again...)  Then, I realized I am going to run out of yarn. I know I had a bunch of skeins of grey. But I vaguely remember using them for a sweater. (Which I ended up frogging.) Then I thought maybe I used them for my son's afghan....  Ugh!! See why I should finish things one at a time?  Sheesh.   I actually have a couple purses/bags going that need to be finished. My Hialeah Bag, and my Bloomin' Bag. All I have left on the Bloomin' Bag is the straps. I don't know what my deal is...  I can't finish things.  I also promised my Mom I would make her a Bloomin' Bag, in "coral". 

Here we go again with the heat....   This was yesterday. (And, I am pretty sure it was about two degrees hotter than this, because it always is for some reason.)  Another Summer In Hell...   :/

Last evening, Eon wanted to go outside. I grabbed what I was working on (some longies), and went out there to watch him.  I know, he's 9 year old. But, I'm paranoid. Plus, (long story) he STALKS the neighbor girl!! And he will go over to their yard, come back, go back over..~ So, I go outside to watch him for a bunch of reasons.. That probably sounds worse than what I think it really is (him "stalking the neighbor girl"). But, the millisecond he gets in the truck after he gets off the bus, "Can H* come over?"  (They do come over sometimes, and he goes over their house, too.) And it hasn't stopped, all night long it's like he's obssessed with it. I finally told him he is going to start getting in big trouble, if he doesn't stop. (She got in trouble for it, too..)   He looks out the blinds to see if they are outside on their trampoline..  Tells me every little update. (Even if I DON'T want to know~ which, I don't...)  For a while, I thought "Maybe he's in love"...  But then I think, "Maybe he just likes having a friend nearby to play with."   Anyway, last night they (she has a litle sister, too) were out on their trampoline.  (They had company over, Thank Goodness...)  :P  Eon went inside and put this on. :P   Lol...   I sent this picture to my Mom. All she said was, "Is he trying to impress H*?"  Lol....     

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