Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Boring Dishcloths...

For something to blog about. That's about all I have been doing lately. Besides working on the romantic shrug here and there. This one is a ballband pattern from the Peaches n Cream ballband. I added the border just out of my pea brain.

These are Idiot's dishcloths. Also from a ballband, til I realized I didn't like how the one side was thinner than the other so I went back to the old pattern I used to use. All these so far are for the Pass Creek Elderly Center. It's a KAL/CAL this month I am in.
This one is for my sister. To go with the crocheted one I did.

I cut my pinky finger today. :( We recently got a new steel grater (cuz our old one was SO rusty and falling apart, I was afraid to use it cuz of the rust...) Need I say more?... Well, I was grating carrots for meatloaf and whack! OOOOOOWWW! (I said a more colorful word than that, but I shouldn't repeat it... I hope my six year old didn't understand/hear it. He was my little helper today. I hiss/whispered it under my breath as I was walking away....) It hurt!! I put a band-aid on it right away. I could only find two band-aids~~ the one time I need one. I had to change it and use the second one, cuz it was soaked with blood. It doesn't hurt anymore (it stopped hurting about an hour or so later). But it is right on the last joint of my finger, and it is seriously hampering my knitability!! :( I think I am going to go get some Barbie band-aids or something. Then when I need one, there will be some. :P
I have been cleaning today. (Breaking News!!) :P I cleaned off the computer desk (mostly all my crap: dishcloth cotton, crochet hooks, patterns I printed out... books....) Cleaned off my dresser!!! Yay, me! And cleaned off the ironing board in my room. (Note to self: If you put it away right after you use it, stuff won't pile up on it!! And, yes; it is all my stuff...) Sigh. I need a craft room. Then there won't be piles everywhere. Only in my craft room. :-D (And I can keep the door closed.) I dusted the whole house, except the 17 yr olds room. He's old enough to do it himself. Swept and mopped the kitchen floor and entryway. (I found a cockroach on the floor- dead, but.... I HATE cockroaches! That is what started this whole cleaning frenzy btw...) It's okay. I needed to clean anyway. Tried to re-organize things on my kitchen hutch. My husband unpacked a box of stuff and kinda put it on there, but.... (I didn't like the way it looked.) Plus, it is REALLY old antique stuff, that I know one of the kids will inevitably knock off *somehow* and break... So I put that INSIDE the hutch, and tried to redecorate. (It doesn't look *much* better, decorating-wise, but... it's clean.) I need someone to help me decorate, I am no good at it.
Well I am going to go make a cup of tea. I hope summer is treating you all nicely. Or whatever season it is in your part of the world. :)


Mimi said...

Hi Tina! Its rainy season here, since late May. Its been raining for the past several days...I get scared when there's a thunderstorm. But whenever the sun's out, it gets too hot.
Anyways, hope you are having a nice summer with lots of cold drinks.
I also do a lot more cleaning in the summer season, and especially when I see a cockroach inside the house (can't stand it too). I don't seem to mind the lizards but they do appear less when I clean up more often :p

Tina said...

I haven't seen a lizard in the house yet but we see them outside and in our garage a lot. I wish it would rain here-- guess that's why it is a desert huh? :P How long does rainy season last? I hope there aren't too many more thunderstorms. They used to scare me, too. Especially when we lived in Colorado, with the higher altitude it sounded like the lightning was going to hit you it was so loud.

Susan said...


Your computer desk sounds a little like mine... ;-)
Except I also have Hand Lotion and Puffs on mine. Along with my digital camera and pictures of our son's graduations from 2 differnt colleges...

~ Susan

Susan said...

I like the vacation pictures! I bet it was COOL out!

And the 2 middle dishcloths are PRETTY!

I'll be taking picture at our Family Reunion this weekend. If they aren't too embarassing, I'll post some. :-)

Thanks for adding my blog on to your blog list!

~ Susan

Tina said...

You are welcome, thanks for adding mine to yours, too! I will keep an eye out for reunion pictures. :P

dressage_x said...

I make those dishcloths too, and I sell them on my local craigslist. I usually make about $10 off a set of 3 or 4. I love them!

Tina said...

Wow! That's a good deal. I hope you do well with selling them. Have you tried Etsy? They do charge a little per transaction, but... it'd be worth a try. :)