I don't quite believe it myself. I guess before I had internet, I probably finished all my projects, too, eh? (Ahem....) This has to be THE fastest I have ever finished an afghan in my LIFE. It would have been done sooner, but I ran out of the blue, and then I ran out of white. Our youngest son wants this one. But I would like to make him one that 'matches' his room or at least his blanket. (Spiderman). I am sending this for the 2008 blanket drive for Pine Ridge. I have also been working on the baby granny square afghan. I just haven't taken a picture of it lately.

This is another thing I worked on while we didn't have internet. It's called 'Cat in the Window'. From the
'Mad About Scraps' book, from Annie's Attic. I didn't have any 1" plastic rings, though. I was going to look at WalMart the next time we went; but before I even went, I saw an idea in the 2009 Crochet-Pattern-A-Day Calender: Someone had made a tree garland out of the plastic rings from two liter pop bottles!! :0 Why didn't I think of that?! My husband is always buying pop for him and the kids (I rarely drink it), and so I dug the one out of the garbage that was just thrown away (it was right on the top, and I washed my hands after :P) and..... ta-da!!:

A ring to hang the potholder. That is just about the coolest way ever to recycle. (I washed the plastic ring, too, by the way...) ;) The only thing with this potholder is, it's made out of acrylic yarn. I was going to try and see if there is any similar colors in cotton. But.... since I had all these, I made one anyway...
That blanket is so cute, Tina!
I'm so glad to see how productive you've been - while away from the internet.
The recycled plastic rings is a cool idea!
I remember you made a purse handle with a coffee can lid once, too. I think it's so neat you can recycle and incorporate it into crochet. :) Thanks Mimi
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