Monday, June 26, 2006

No Pictures Today...

I wish I had brought my camera with me today, though! The one time I don't, something cool happens. The oldest went to a theme park with some friends today, so I took the two younger boys to a park here in town to play. Well we went across the street to see the Spring that was over there. Then the kids wanted to climb on the 'bleacher/stairs'. We were sitting there, and I got out the cheese and crackers for a snack. Well this little squirrel was kind of by us, and the nine year old says, 'Can I give it a cracker?' I said, 'Sure, just hold out your hand and be really still'. The squirrel came right up to his hand, and took the cracker. Then she sat there on her hind legs, eating it. It was SOOO cool! She kept coming back for more. Some she would go bury and then come back and get some more to eat, then go bury some... I hope we didn't make her sick feeding her crackers, but it was so awesome. I wish I had of all days brought my camera with me today. Oh well. Maybe next time we go there, I'll remember for sure. Then when the squirrel got full and stopped coming back, we went back over to the park. The kids were more interested in picking up garbage and putting it in the garbage bins. I don't know where it came from, but I certainly encouraged it!! Then we went down to the creek, and the nine year old wanted to take his shoes off and go in the creek so I let him. Then he started getting all the garbage out of the creek. He found a baby bottle with milk (or formula?) still in it. (Yuck). A flip flop. A cup. A few wrappers. A pop can. We put it all in the garbage bin. He wants to go tomorrow to a different park and clean out the creek. :))) I'm so proud.


Mimi said...

Awww, that is wonderful Tina! Your boys are doing great, and what an accomplishment!
I would have really loved to see the squirrel and your boy feeding it! Your wildflowers pictures are fantastic and now you should have a series of animal pictures too!

Tina said...

Hee hee. I could do that. One thing I forgot about squirrels is they have lice and fleas. Fortunately the kids didn't touch it.