Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Oldie But a Goodie :)

Since we've been unpacking more things from the storage unit in Michigan, more and more treasures keep coming up. Like this doily I made I don't even know how long ago. I love this doily. I don't know how my fourteen year old son got a hold of it, but.... if he wants it, I guess he can have it. He's the only child who I know will take care of it. (The other two might, too, when they get older...) Anyway, it is from an 'Old-Time Crochet' magazine. The summer 1992 issue, on page 6. I only have two issues of this magazine. Anyway, I thought I'd share it here. I was so pleasantly surprised yesterday to recieve an RAOK letter in the mail!! An adorable lighthouse card, and inside was a recipe for 'Grandma's Pumpkin Bread'!! How could this person have known that pumpkin bread is my absolute favorite in the world!!?? She couldn't; but how nice of her! I can't wait until it is cool enough to bake, so I can try this recipe. I haven't been feeling good lately. Saturday I felt sick. Then Sunday I wasn't feeling that great, but... Then Monday I was feeling okay but reeeaaally crabby! Today I felt okay, but an hour before dinner I started feeling really sick and had to run to the bathroom. :( Weird. Well maybe I'll get some crocheting done since all I want to do is sit around...


Mimi said...

Hey Tina! I hope you're feeling better now ;) Yes, that doily is a goodie, I love the spiral design :)

Tina said...

I am feeling okay today. Thanks, Mimi. (I think I got it from you.) Ha Ha! LOL, Just joking. ;p Thanks for the compliment on my doily. I might have to make my own since my son stole this one. ;) These are the kind of doilies I *used* to make. Thanks for visiting me Mimi.