Sunday, October 31, 2010

Paula, You're A Genius :)

I got my towel out this morning that I bought a while ago to make Mimi's towel topper with. (I wanted to do it last night but I was just too tired..)  I just grabbed the only steel hook that was on my night stand~ which happened to be a size 5.  I poked it through, then thought "Why not pull the whole hook through, to make the hole even a little bigger?" So I pulled it through, and kind of pushed and pulled, and wiggled it where the hook is the widest. It worked.  

See? :D  But after I did a couple holes, when I went back to see where they were, they must have closed up. Sooo... I thought I should put some kind of marker in each hole. (The little yarn pieces... lol) 

I don't know how many little yarn pieces I have there. Kind of a pain. But, if I keep them in a special place I will have them for next time. :D  And I won't have to cut a bunch of pieces again...  Now to finally try Mimi's towel topper!! Yay! Thank you Paula, and Thank you, Mimi for the pattern, too.   (Who needs special tools, eh? That's what I love about being crafty...) 


paula said...

Another question . . . ehen you make the holes, could you do a lose single crochet to start the topper? I've never made them but just wondered . . . would save on thhe little yarnies :0}

paula, now known as "Paula the Genius". . . .LOLOL

Tina said...

I don't know. I suppose I could. I wanted to get all the holes done first, then the crocheting. I did still have to cut a little bit. Maybe next time I'll try my little tool I have (I still can't remember the name of it.. :P) Thanks Paula. :)

Mimi said...

haha...glad that worked, Tina ;) I guess the towel I used is thinner, so that the holepuncher worked on it...
The edgerydoo looks like a great tool too (if you can get it).