Well, to be more to the point, she was killed. Someone ran her over. It's been about two weeks now. :( My friend took her with her to her sons' conferences at school. (I don't know how she brought her in the school?) Well on the way back home, she crossed the road. She kept calling Gertie. There were no cars in sight... Well when Gertie finally decided to come, a car was coming, too. The woman stopped and asked this other woman who was sitting in her car on the other side of the road, 'Did I hit something?' She said 'YEAH! You just hit her dog!' She got back in her car, and took off!! (The woman sitting in her car took her license plate and everything.... My friend is too nice, she would never do anything about it, but...) The whole situation is sad. I can't believe that woman just left. She couldn't even have the decency to say she was sorry or offer to take her to the vet, or
anything? Gertie was a Brussels Griffon. I have blogged about her before. She wasn't even a year old. This picture is of her in the sweater I made her, for the Doggie Sweater CAL. I was thinking about crocheting my friend something... maybe a picture frame with a picture of Gertie in it? I don't know if that would just open up a wound that was healing, or what, though...
Oh my, that is awful, and shame on that lady driver who just took off!
(I wonder if there's a law that could penalize her...)
I wouldn't know about how to console your friend who lost her cute dog, but I think that your idea is good. And surely she will appreciate any thoughtfulness at this time.
Well I said anything I could think of to say-- it's hard to know what to say, too. You feel so bad, but there's nothing you can *do*, except listen and be there.
The woman who did it has to live with it, and the way she acted, now. Granted, the dog should have been on a leash, but that still doesn't excuse her actions...
Thanks for stopping by, Mimi. :)
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