I finished this earlier today... Our ten year old asked me one day a couple/few weeks ago, 'Mom, can you make me a white bunny; with a black tail?' (Hmmm.... oooookaaaay... I thought.) 'Sure' I said. I already had
KristieMN's Floppy Friends pattern, and had been wanting to make one, anyway. It didn't take that long to finish the crocheting. I just didn't have any animal eyes. So today I finally was able to go get some. And some poly pellets.

And here's his black tail. ;P I don't know where they come up with things, but it sure did turn out cute. Now the five year old wants a 'blue bunny with a green tail'..... Oi. (He will have to go on a waiting list! All I make is stuff for him...) And, I am currently making him a Diego bag (like the
Dora bag I made for our niece.) (Thanks again, Tampa Doll!) Well that's all for now folks. See you soon. :)
LOL!...they see what we don't see anymore, that's what make kids cute and funny!
Hope you're feeling better now with your back and nerves. Take care, Tina ;)
Thank you, Mimi. My back is still sore, but my nerves are a little better. The things they decide (colors for the stripes on the bear, for example) always seem to turn out so much cuter. :)
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