More pictures taken with my phone.... I need to get batteries. Oh well. Just thought I'd post these so you all know I'm still here. :P A couple of dishcloths I have done in the last week and a half for the
weekly dishcloth knitalong at Ravelry. The red one is a coffee cup dishcloth. The green variegated is a waffle stitch cloth. I also joined a dishcloth swap at Ravelry, too. Nothing too big, it should be fun. :)

Sorry about this post, I guess using photobucket would have been better.... Have a Great Day everyone. :)
I had never heard of Waffle stitch before until I read about it here. I tried to search it on google and found the stitch tutorial. It is really quite an interesting stitch.
I will surely try it. The dishcloths are also looking gud.
Thank you, v jr. I was looking at your food mazaa blog and all your food looks so good!! I am getting hungry now. The chocolate muffin type things with the ice cream in it (in your sidebar) look so yummy. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
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