Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another blurry photo of a yarn ball...

My yarn ball is growing! I thought I didn't have any more green yarn scraps. (I won't use it unless it is already a scrap...) Well... remember this post? I had made a spiral rose with some of the yellow, but other than that haven't used it for anything. Well last night I thought 'Oh yeah! I wonder if there's any green yarns in there?!' Well there is... and now it's being added to my green yarn ball. ;p I still don't know what I'll make with it. But I'm thinking a purse. And it may or may not be crocheted. Or knitted. :D

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Tina, I suddenly remembered my stash of yarns, yarns I got from gifts, mostly from crochetville (and you, of course) ;) How I wish I could work on the yarns soon... I'm glad they keep well and will last through the years. Can't believe its been that long since I first received yarns from abroad...