This is how far I am! I'm sooo excited! I love how this is working up. I actually was done with the whole right front, but it looked like it was too small. Even though I had gone so far, I didn't want to finish it and have done all that work and it be too small. There is no way I am giving this to anyone. So I frogged it this morning and redid it. THE hardest part is Row 1 of the body. I had to figure out how many stitches per section and still had 43 left.... But, I finally figured it out and am almost back to this point now. I tried it around me and it fits much better now. Perfect, in fact. I also think I may make it a little longer than the pattern suggests. I'll keep you posted. ;) I finished a lapghan. I *was* going to make it for the Charity Blitz, but.... I have issues with it. I am not the kind of person who drops out of things. I've finished all my CALs and swaps I joined, but... I can't quite put my finger on it, but.... 1. The person hosting this thing is not the *friendliest* person there is. 2. I didn't know she was going to be including her *missionary* work in it. I just don't feel right crocheting things for her to take down to Mexico or wherever she takes them, to try to convert people to her church. Something about it just doesn't sit right with me. So. I am thinking about dropping out of it. Last month was her charity, and she has another month she has something different (last month was things for kids: marble bags, hair scrunchies...) I think the next one for her charity is squares or something. So I will probably save this lapghan for Pine Ridge. I kind of like it. It's just a ripple stitch. I haven't taken a picture of it yet. Well I'm off to work some more on my shrug. Did I say?... I am going to make a matching shrug for my Mom. I remember when I was little my Mom had matching dresses for her and I. I don't know if someone she knew sewed them for us, or if she bought them... I know we didn't have much money though. (We did know someone who sewed a lot, and actually made my flowergirls' dress when I was in their wedding- My Mom and Stepdads') Anyway, I remember saying, 'I don't want to wear that!' and I wasn't going to. I told my mom about that and she said, 'You wore it'. So I must have felt guilty. I remember the look on her face, (I think I hurt her feelings.) So I probably felt bad and wore it anyway. I wish we had a picture of it now. Well anyway, I told her 'I'll make you and I matching shrugs'. She said 'You're gonna make up for that, huh?' ;p
Yay! The shrug is looking good, Tina, and the color is lovely!
I know you are right about speaking
your mind on that charity group, we are similar in nature...if it doesnt feel right, something must be wrong...
A mom and daughter matching shrug?..that is so sweet! Wish I could do that too, only thing keeping me from it is that my mom is twice my size so its like I'll be making 2 shrugs for her...oops...she'll get mad at me for saying this...But she did see the latest shrug I made and she liked it, so I'm really considering making her one ;)
Thanks, Mimi. I am a lot farther now, I just haven't taken any pictures... I finished the right side, and am on the back part. It's so awesome! I can't wait until it's done. It is hard to make a size different from your own. How do they do it? Maybe making one for your mom can be a way to get a bigger size for your shrugs, too. And you have her close by to try it on as you're working on it, don't you?
I still don't feel right about this Charity Blitz, but I decided I'll finish up what I started and that's it. Thanks for stopping by, Mimi.
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