Friday, December 11, 2015

Sick Day and More Baby Stuff..

I am still trying to get "caught up" on my blog..  I guess technically all my project pictures are but I was going to share pictures of our new state/home. Sigh... The problem is, I take them all with my phone. Then I have to somehow get them from my phone to my computer. And it's a big pain.   Which is also why I haven't sent any pictures to my family.   ~~Anyway~~  Here is a Santa Sleep Sack set, and some Christmas sleepers/onesie with a big I got on sale after last Christmas. (I'm glad I got these, or else I wouldn't have been able to send any outfits this month to the OB Unit. We don't have any real Walmarts here, or any stores with clothes in this town. There are a couple WalMarts, but they are in bad areas. The only other WalMarts are "Grocery Centers".   So weird.    Anyway, I added a whole other round (?) of the required stitches in between the white band on bottom and belt, and the top section, to make this sleep sack the required length. The person who wrote this pattern must not have a real baby to try it on. Because the finished sleep sack- going by the pattern, is 16 inches long.  Either she didn't have any babies or her babies were tiny. Lol  

I also finished two Christmas fleece blankets for the OB Unit.  I somehow misplaced my rotary blade cutter. But my husband let me buy a new one. So I was able to finish these in time.. :)

And, progress on my scrap strips...  I edged them in "Soft Navy".  I am on the third strip. I think four strips will be good for a blanket to the OB Unit.  They measure 9 1/2 inches wide. Then by the time I add the edging and sew them together and add a border to the whole blanket.....    

I woke up at 4:08 this morning. :(  Got in the shower about twenty minutes earlier than usual. Then went to wake Eon up at 6:15. Just as I was waking him up, I remembered, "Friday is late start."  Ugh...  (Nothing like waking up over an hour early, on the one day you can sleep in..)  I said "Oh... I forgot today is Friday and late start. Go back to sleep. Sorry."  Then he said he is sick anyway. :(    (Steve was sick last week, and I have been sick the last two days..)  He has a sore throat and "Can't hear out of his one ear." Oh, great...  probably going to get another ear infection.   :((((((    Our oldest son would get them all the time..  They are miserable. Thankfully, we have lots of allergy stuff; so I can give him some Benadryl to help drain his ear tubes...

1 comment:

paula said...

Could you post a picture of the rotary blade you use for your blankets? I bought one and it cut in larger areas and the material tore. I need to see what I need to buy.