Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Apparently, today is...

... "Annoy The Living Crap Out of Tina" Day!! Arghhh! It started at 1 am this morning. I woke up (sleeping with the 7 year old in a twin bed because he won't sleep alone is not fun...) and went into my own room. Well I couldn't get back to sleep, then. I layed there, my mind wouldn't shut off... Then I hear noises. "What is that?" I thought, "I would bet anything Eon is in here somewhere..." I couldn't see him, but finally figured out he was under our bed!! Ugh... I tried pulling on him to get him out from under the bed, without waking up my husband. He wouldn't get out. I said "Well I'm not going back to sleep any time soon now..." So I got up and went out in the living room. I worked on my Spring Drew-strings purse. I finished all I could without my sewing needle (which was in the bedroom..) Meanwhile, Eon came out from my room and went in his own room, got in his bed and went to sleep. Grrr! (Why couldn't he just do that the night before?...) Well I still couldn't go to sleep. So I got the coffee pot ready for my husband and went in the room and looked at the alarm clock to see when he had it set for... Started the coffee pot. Went back to my crocheting. I worked on my button-up book cover by Turtlelvr I had started a while ago. I am about half way done with that now. Well, I did go back to sleep then got woke up at 8:30 by my phone ringing from Texas?... Then, the kids get up.... "Can you drive me here? Are you going to do this?..." I won't even get into it all.... Drive the 17 year old to the place he wanted to go, (this is about the third time we have taken him here) he still does not fill out the application for this place!!!! Take him to Walmart (even though we were just there last night!! Grr...) Go to the post office, since it was closed yesterday. The line is long, and only one person behind the counter.... Ugh... Then, a family with boxes of candy come in right behind me. They keep putting candy in their mouths in the most annoying way, smacking their mouths, talking while smacking their mouths-- UGH!!!!! Is there even food allowed in the Post Office? Oh my God!! And it was a grown woman, too. Finally, I get home. I make a cup of decaf coffee (don't want to interfere at all with my sleep tonight!!). Sit down to try and relax... Just then, Eon spills a half a can of pop on my Drew-strings purse. (Who said he could drink pop in here, anyway?....) Clean that up, rinse off my purse.... Sheesh!!

I have so many projects going it isn't funny. I wasn't sure if I should make the title of my post "Why Can't I Finish One Project?" or "Apparently today is..." Sigh... I thought I would list them here just for myself/future reference:

~Bear Pillow for Eon (was supposed to be his 'New Bed' gift, but I wanted to sew a pillow for the insert, and since my sewing machine doesn't work, I am putting it off....) I think I am pretty much done with all the crocheting on this, but for the pillow part of it and sewing it together...
~A Baby Snow Dragon also for Eon. This is almost done. Got three 'spikes' to crochet, and the arms and legs to crochet and sew all on to. The rest is all done.
~Central Park Hoodie (sigh....) Sleeves are done. Blocked the back, and one front side. I need to sew the shoulder seams together (and block the other front side, and sleeves...). Then I can move on to the hood, and the front band.
~Lamb Sweater; that I decided I was going to send to my nephew Corbin. If I ever finish it!!! I blocked the front and back, need to sew the shoulder seams and block the sleeves/sew those on. I started the hat, need to finish that too. I hope I can finish it in time for him. He is two. It's a size 4...
~Pressed Flowers Afghan II for my husband. This one I am not super stressed about. I told myself it was going to get done when it got done, when I started it..
~Shalom Cardigan Vest. I need printer ink so I can work on this one whenever I want. I am on the yoke part (I guess?)
~An Afghan with no name, that my husband's Great Aunt sent me a drawing/diagram of one that she is doing and I tried to do what I thought she was doing (turns out I did my own thing LOL Hey, maybe I have my own pattern when I am through?...) It's squares... Don't know when this one will be done, either...
~Barbie furniture for my friends daughter that I promised to send... long story (I sent her a dishcloth & her daughter tried to use it as a Barbie rug in her Barbie doll house. I said "I can make her furniture for her doll house!") Ugh... Big mouth me... Actually, the Barbie doll stuff is almost done, it's her brother's stuff I am stressing about... A G.I. Joe type doll camping set, a sleeping bag (which is easy, I made one for Eon) and a tent. The tent is what I am stressing about.... So, I haven't even started it. Sigh....
~A heart pillow from CrochetMe
~A million other years old projects I don't know if they will EVER be done, ever.... :(

I keep seeing new things at Crochetville or Ravelry and "Oh, I want to crochet a hanger cover, that's so cute!".... "I haven't crocheted/knitted a dishcloth/hotpad in a long time, it's just a quick project..." "OH, look at that cute new bookmark pattern, and I've been wanting to crochet a new bookmark pattern..." "OH MY GOODNESS! Someone crocheted a Strawberry Cow from Farmville!! I HAVE to have that pattern!!" :(

Well, I guess I should be happy... Hubby is making dinner and he brought it to me! Awww.... Hopefully I will get a full night's sleep tonight. Otherwise, I might have some FO's to post here tomorrow. :P

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Oh my Tina, that was surely stressful day, at least you got to post about it and hopefully you're not stressed anymore...that was sweet of your hubby to make dinner for you.
As for the projects, just pick the ones that you would enjoy making, or at least enjoy it when its done - get rid of the ones that won't make anyone happy...(that's easy for me to say, I know)