Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crocheting On The Rocks..

I never thought I would crochet a rock cover...  But, I guess I am. I don't know what made me want to do this. But, I thought my Mom or my Aunt might like this. They go up to Northern Michigan, and get river rocks; and rocks from Lake Superior. My Aunt took a rock class. She has rocks all over her (decorated) garage. She's built rock bird houses (for looks), "rock concerts"; all kinds of cute things.  Let's see..  The rock that is crocheted on, I got on my walk one day last week. The one below it I got by the high school (same walk, same day). I probably looked like a Crazy Lady-walking my dog, picking up rocks and putting them in my fanny pack. LoL :P  All the others I got in our yard (which is all rocks), or driveway. 

A close up. I used the Lacy River Rocks pattern. (The pattern is at the bottom of the article, it's a free download.) But I am thinking about looking up different motif or doily patterns, because some of the rocks are odd shapes. Like the one on top; it's kind of rectangular. And I thought it would be cool to make a triangular one. (I already have a motif pattern for a future rock.)  :P  I kind of want to go somewhere and look for rocks along the beach somewhere, now. There isn't much water, here, though.. 


paula said...

Great idea for my friends who still work and have desks . . . might have to look some patterns up.

Mimi said...

Tinas, you're aunt "rocks", hehe...I admire that she can decorate her house with her rock creations. I once was a guest inside a house that was decorated in many ways with seashells, by the homeowner herself. I wish I had the same kind of talent.
I also find rocks interesting like seashells, they practically cost nothing...but what you do with them if you're crafty, is amazing. Crocheting over your rock collection is a very nice way of displaying it :)