Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Backpack Finished

This one was for the KAL... It is the Preschooler's Backpack. I was switching back and forth between the two (CAL and KAL)~~ finish one, start another.... So all together I did two projects for each -AL... :P I think I am done now. There's only 9 more days left in August, and I just got the Gwendolyn doll pattern, soooo...... I should work on that, so I can pass it on as soon as I can. :) So much for finishing up my WIPs.... Although I am working on them in between...

My husbands' finger is healing up pretty good. He took the stitches out himself (MEN!!). I thought it would look a lot worse. But it looks pretty good, considering. He didn't want to go back to sit there (with an appointment!!) and wait two hours just to have them take the stitches out. Ugh. I can't blame him. (We all sat there with him, the last time... thank goodness there was a tv and AFV was on :P or the kids would have been complaining to no end...) He has already got the papers okaying him going back to normal work, sooo.... Now he can hurt himself all over again. (I hope not!!)


Mimi said...

Cute bag, Tina!
I would like to do that too - I mean switch back and forth between a knit and crochet project. I have yet to decide on a knit project, though :p
Good to know your hubby is ok now. I can't imagine taking out the stitches...
Btw, my brother (this happened about 5 yrs ago) accidentally shot his own hand while cleaning his gun. (the gun is required in his job) I didn't bother to look at the wound...fortunately, it didn't cause permanent damage to his hand.

Tina said...

Yikes! My husband shot himself through the leg with a nailgun a few years ago. It went off (he didn't actually shoot himself)- went right through his ankle and missed bones, tendons....

I'm glad your brother didn't get any permanent damage. They just know how to hurt themselves without causing any real damage, eh?

My husbands' stitches were not real hard to undo. They were just individual loops tied in each 'stitch'. He probably just cut the loop and pulled it out.

Mimi said...

Oh, he got lucky with that too!
Now I am thinking what kind of accidents can happen to kids if they get hold of those gadgets...