Sunday, March 09, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Paper Crafts

I made a pocket letter. I don't know why.. I just wanted to do something crafty, and I was digging through my drawers of paper stuff..  I just used what I have to make this (and looked at a lot of pocket letters on Pinterest for inspiration). I sent this out yesterday. It cost $1.77 to send it.
The back/what I put inside the pockets. I didn't want it to be too thick to fold up. Oh, I forgot to upload the picture- it fit inside a business envelope. I haven't made a pocket letter in probably 10 years. Oh, I take that back. I made a mini pocket letter about four or five years ago. I don't have a picture of it, though.
And I made a Clover St. Patrick's Day card (Pinterest inspired also). I don't have a stamp that says Happy St. Patrick's Day. So I just cut a thin strip of paper for the bottom. 
And I used the same paper to make a "matching" envelope. 🍀
And I also made a little gift bag to put odds and ends in (some of it is pictured). I also sent this out yesterday.   
I'm already ready for Easter now. 😝🐰 I'm making an Easter envelope flip card with a Peep cut out I've had forever. 🤷 I don't need any more stamps or stickers, I have too much stuff. 
That's all for now. 

~Until Next Time~