I finished the Heart Pocket Note Holder. It used to be a free pattern, but I can't find it anymore. I had a mini clipboard notepad from the dollar store, I took the notepad and stuck it in there. And a pen I had from the dollar store. I'm sending this to someone.
I got in the mood to do a dishcloth. I wanted to do a round one. I could have swore I had a pattern for a knitted one that was round, and short rows. But the only one I had like that used two different colors. So I looked for a crocheted one. I will have to see if I can find the link for it. I just looked on my phone, since the internet wasn't working that day. Don't get Hughes Net, FYI.... Here is the dishcloth pattern: "Simple Granny Round Crocheted Dishcloth" I think I might have been thinking of the Tunisian Short Row Discloth. Which is crocheted, not knitted. But I wanted to use that variegated yarn for it. The link for the pattern does not work any more, FYI so don't click on it. I'll have to see if I printed that out.. Or if it's on Ravelry somehow. Ha, it was on Ravelry: Tunisian Short Row Dishcloth. Now I don't have enough of that variegated to do one with... Sigh. LoL. I will have to see what other variegated I have in my stash.
I was still in the mood to make dishcloths and I wanted to do an Idiot's Dishcloth. I have also been making Spiral scrubbies again. I don't know why. They are useless to wash dishes with IMO. And, they smell so bad even after washing. Unless you use bleach, maybe. But they are cute; and fun to make.
I also made a little heart to put things in. I don't know if I ever posted about these before. It was in the "Tightwad Gazette" book. ETA: I did post about this before.

I thought I would show a picture of some deer we have come in our yard all the time. There is a back story about the deer... I filled up my bird feeder one day, to try and do things I used to love doing. Well the next morning, I was standing at the sink waiting for coffee to get done brewing and I looked out the window. The bird feeder was completely empty and open! UGH! "Stinking squirrels!", I thought. But later that day, the dogs were barking like crazy. I said "What now?" and looked outside. Three deer were in the side yard, and the mama was at the bird feeder! (Mama, and two babies.) It wasn't squirrels, it was deer. Kind of funny/not funny. I'm not putting any more seed in the bird feeders now, though. I can't afford that. And a couple weeks after that, my son said he pulled in the driveway (he goes to the gym early) and there was about 15 deer in our front yard. I said "What, did they go tell all their friends?" 🙄 Originally, there was the mama and the two babies (mama and one of the babies are pictured above). This is why I misspelled "dear" for my blog post title, lol. Oh deer... 😝They don't actually hold much, though. The only thing I could think you could put in there is tiny little stickers you cut out. Confetti. I don't know. Unless you made the hearts bigger.

And, I think I posted about a card like this before? This one, I added a Christmas tree too. I had never (successfully) made a shaker card before. I hope the people I sent them to didn't just throw them away. Here is one of the cards I was going to post about last time. But the internet wasn't working good, taking forever and not even uploading. I got the inspiration for this one off Pinterest. I think it was penguins, not snowmen. I used some stickers for the snowmen. I wanted to make a slimline card to "match" some snowflake envelopes I got at Goodwill. I ended up having to pay like $1.15 I think, to send the card though, because it was too puffy/thick. Sigh.
These are the envelopes. I ended up ordering some snowflake stationery that matches the bottom envelopes perfectly. 

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