Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Waterfall Journaling Space For Junk Journals

I thought I had blogged about these. But I guess I didn't. I was trying to find where I saw the tutorial and searched on here and there was nothing about it. I did these a couple years ago. I couldn't remember where I saw the tuturial. But I did another search (LoL) and I had said either You Tube or Tik Tok. It was Tik Tok. Kaylnicjournals. If you want to go look. It is so easy. I might do some more soon. Our youngest son is home sick today from work. So I might do quiet things (yeah, that's my excuse- and I'm sticking to it 😝). I think I did this one first.
Then I did this one, narrower to fit in my junk journal. The first one was too wide, and I sent it to someone who I had made a bigger journal for. Hmm, I should post that, too.
This is inside my junk journal. You only glue the two sides, and bottom. Leave the top open for a pocket to put things inside. I love this one because you can just use note paper, or whatever paper you have. 

This is the journal I made to send (the same person that I sent the first waterfall card to). She is into bible journaling. I just traced the letters "Prayer Book", from a letter stencil I got from the dollar tree. And the cross, I just traced one on scrap paper to use as a stencil. The "girls" are ones I got in a pack at Hobby Lobby, I think.
The inside, I made a little pocket. It's just a $1 something notebook I bought. I covered the front and back covers, inside and out.  

I made all these last summer. Speaking of my junk journal, I haven't posted about that either. 
It all started with a cereal box. 
And a coffee bag. And a You Tube tutorial. 😁
The outside cover.
The inside..
The finished journal. 
I forgot to post the picture of the side. It was a lot of work. (For me.) I made the "signatures" out of "junk": Newspapers, magazines, old business envelopes..  People post these junk journals with all this fancy paper and things. Um. It's a JUNK journal...   I did use "fancy" paper for the cover and the inside, but.. Not for the signature pages. 

Well that's all for now. My cat(s) jumped up here. The one is little, and she was just in the way. Well then the other one (big boy) jumped up here (I didn't even know he was in here), and spilled my whole glass of water all over the place. Well I cleaned it all up and closed the door. Now he's out there clawing at it and meowing. Mama's boy.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Moving Right Along

Now that St. Patrick's Day is over, it's time for Easter stuff! Even though our boys are all grown, I still do Easter crafts, cards, and crochet things..  This was an idea I had, using the peep outline I made to cut cookies out with,.. (I traced one out of paper, too.) It's an envelope flip book card? I have no idea what it's called, but someone sent me one and I loved it. I "inked" around the edge of the whole bunny with a marker. I was thinking about adding a sentiment in the middle of the bunny. I kind of like it just like it is, though. I had some Easter paper from last year that I used.

And the envelopes are ones I got from all my aunt's stationery/envelopes. I got some Easter stickers at Meijers for $3. Little peep bunny stickers. I will probably cut out at least one of the bunnies I put on the front, too; to put inside. And who knows what else.   
These pictures are out of order. Oh well. We went to Frankenmuth, and went to Bronner's. It's the world's largest Christmas store. Yeah. And I got Easter salt and pepper shakers. Well, if they didn't sell Easter stuff then I wouldn't have bought them. Lol. Supposed to be a Christmas store. Anyway. I didn't see anything I wanted Christmas. (Can you believe that? I can't... LoL) 
I made an Easter card out of a napkin. I was going to take a picture of the napkins, too. Oh well. 

I made some muffins yesterday. They're St. Patrick's Shamrock Muffins. Just kidding. They're chocolate banana muffins. I used six bananas (all I had in the freezer) to make these. I got the recipe from this book. I've had it forever.

I took this picture yesterday. I think my Christmas cactus is confused. LoL. Actually, I think it's a Thanksgiving cactus. But when I bought it, it said "Christmas cactus.". You can google the different types of cactuses. ~Anyway~  Mine has been blooming, or had buds on it, since last Thanksgiving! 😕 This cactus has only bloomed once before. It must love the new window I put it in. It's been in a lot of different windows and houses. Well, it's pretty, anyway. I had a piece that fell off, that got flowers on it in the jar I put it in to propagate. I potted that one to give to my Mom, next time she comes up here. This one looks like it is going to have to be repotted soon, too. 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Well, I crocheted a St. Patrick's Day thing. I don't even remember where I saw this pattern at.  It's on Etsy. But did I see it on Instagram? Facebook? I don't know.. Anyway. The back of the hat opens up, and you can put little things inside it. I was supposed to crochet a loop for it to hang. Oops. I don't even know what I am going to do with this...  I have so many things I crocheted, and they're just laying in my sewing room...  I've been in the mood to just throw everything away, lately. O.o  

Well, that's about all I have for St. Patrick's Day.  I'm not making corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight. 😝 I'm not supposed to eat cabbage anymore. Which I don't really care about, since I don't like it anyway; except in cole slaw. 

~Until Next Time~

Sunday, March 09, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Paper Crafts

I made a pocket letter. I don't know why.. I just wanted to do something crafty, and I was digging through my drawers of paper stuff..  I just used what I have to make this (and looked at a lot of pocket letters on Pinterest for inspiration). I sent this out yesterday. It cost $1.77 to send it.
The back/what I put inside the pockets. I didn't want it to be too thick to fold up. Oh, I forgot to upload the picture- it fit inside a business envelope. I haven't made a pocket letter in probably 10 years. Oh, I take that back. I made a mini pocket letter about four or five years ago. I don't have a picture of it, though.
And I made a Clover St. Patrick's Day card (Pinterest inspired also). I don't have a stamp that says Happy St. Patrick's Day. So I just cut a thin strip of paper for the bottom. 
And I used the same paper to make a "matching" envelope. 🍀
And I also made a little gift bag to put odds and ends in (some of it is pictured). I also sent this out yesterday.   
I'm already ready for Easter now. 😝🐰 I'm making an Easter envelope flip card with a Peep cut out I've had forever. 🤷 I don't need any more stamps or stickers, I have too much stuff. 
That's all for now. 

~Until Next Time~

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Another Easter Puff Pal

I don't even know when I started this project.. Probably two Easters ago.. It's been sitting in a bag, all the parts complete, but not finished. I had to do the eyes and nose and mouth and sew it all together. I did one of these before.  I don't even remember why I started this. 🤷 It's a pattern from McCall's Crochet Magazine, April 1995, Vol. 9, No. 2 issue. Someone from a yahoo group I used to be in gave me the pattern. I haven't been able to log into that group in I don't know how long. I don't know if it's even still there. ~Anyway~  Another UFO finished. I was trying to find a Leprechaun Gnome I had started. I guess I should look for something else totally unrelated. Maybe I will find it.. 

I started a roast early today, so we are eating dinner super early. My husband came home from work early, it's rain mixed with (a lot of) snow. Yesterday it was 51 and blue skies. I was ready to go plant some flowers or something.. 😒


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I Made Some Scones

After all that talk about scones in a recent post, I went and got some heavy cream to make some. 😋 Scone Recipe I used. It only makes eight. 
Up close (I sprinkled them with sugar). 

And, I made Devonshire Cream!!! 😄💖 It was not that hard (well... It wouldn't have been, if I had a mixer I didn't have to keep stopping and putting the beaters back into it... LoL). The day I made it (which was the day before I made the scones), I licked the spoon and I thought, "It just tastes like whipped cream cheese." 😠 I stuck it in the fridge, and thought maybe I will add some more sugar later. Then yesterday I made scones and put some on it. It's just about perfect. With the sweetness of the scone (which isn't a lot, btw). SO yummy!!   Making scones is not that hard, either if you have never made them. It's kind of just like making biscuits.

I was thinking some more (did you smell smoke? 😜) about Crochetville...  Where did all the patterns that were posted on there, go? There was a lot of patterns. It's annoying. Because it seemed like every time I posted something, I would get a message from someone (name starts with an A) about "You can't post that, copyright issues...".  So what happened to all the patterns, A? I don't know. I was just thinking about that..

Well that's about it for now. I could have swore I saw a Robin the other day. Only 22 more days until Spring!! 🎕


Friday, February 21, 2025

Another Boring Baking Post...

I made banana bread yesterday.  It came out good. Usually when I make it in a bigger pan (like the recipe says to), it doesn't get done in the middle, but gets almost burnt on the bottom and side/edges. This time it was done in the middle. Maybe I just needed a gas stove all along. Lol. 
I also made some whipped honey butter (pictured on the banana bread above). I need a new mixer. Sigh...  I've had that one since I got married. 😵The beaters keep falling out. And one of them won't even *go*.  For the honey butter, I just had written it down: 1/2 cup butter (softened and whipped-which just means beat with the beater), 1/4 cup honey and 2 tsps grated orange peel mixed in. That's it. I didn't have any orange peel. So I washed an orange and made my own...  There's literally one slice of banana bread left. And it's only three of us here now... 
Then I made some tea and had my own tea party. (Sigh)... How depressing is that? When you don't have any money, you make banana bread and have a tea party by yourself..  Then take pictures of it and blog about it. LoL. I need some real tea cups with plates. I don't even really actually like tea. Unless it's herbal/flavored.  But I had too many flavors going here: Banana bread with honey butter and orange peel in it- wouldn't go too good with peppermint or lemon tea. Scones and Devonshire Cream would have been a little better. But this was pretty good.
I mentioned in my last post I found a wheelchair caddie I had started. I knew I had some other ones I had finished, too. But I could not find them anywhere. Today I was looking for a certain shade of purple yarn, and guess what I found? The bag of wheelchair caddies I had done. Never fails. I can't find anything when I'm looking for it (well sometimes I can), then when I'm looking for something else totally unrelated, I find the thing I was looking for before. But not the thing I am currently looking for. O.o  Another thing I found (that I wasn't actually looking for) is the tunisian scrap strips I had started. I don't even know how long ago I started these (second picture down). Like when our oldest son and our middle son were little.  Anyway, these are the caddies. The pattern is no longer available online. It was from "Around the Crochet Table". I was trying to find out what the copyright laws are about a pattern that used to be online, but it's no longer available...  It wasn't a vintage pattern. It was from 2002. I wonder what happened... Anyway.  These are for the Oglala Sioux Nursing Home, for a group I'm in on Ravelry. I want to get more chapsticks, and little Kleenex packs and whatever else I can think of to put in them. Little lotions? Hand sanitizer? And I was going to put a card in each one; "Thinking of you, hope you are having a nice day"..  God knows I have enough cards, LoL. And I want to make some more caddies. I had started a square to make a lapghan to match, the one on the top left. Well, I actually finished the square. I didn't finish the lapghan, though.. 😝

Well I guess that's all for now. 
~Until next time~