Wednesday, March 24, 2021

New Afghan, And A New Hobby..

 I started a new afghan for our new couch. Our old afghan doesn't match at all now. Hopefully it doesn't take me 8 years to finish this one. 😆  Since I finished my sons' friends afghan in less than a month, I can finish ours soon.  

Aaaand, I started another new hobby. (I need another hobby...👀)  Collages.  One of my friends invited me to her Facebook group.  It is kind of fun. But, I cannot keep up with all of them. She posts one, then two days later there's another one.  Sigh. I just don't sign up for all of them. This one is the most recent one I finished. "Black and White" was the theme. 

                                This was actually the first one I did. St. Patricks' Day.
                                                      And this was a "Collage Card" I did.
This one was "All Things Girly".  I have one more I did, I can't find the picture. I think it's on my phone. I'll save that for another post, I guess.

My back is feeling better. I found out that someone from my quilting group fell (only a few days after I fell), she was in her garage for two or three hours and didn't have any way to get a hold of anyone. Her husband was gone, and didn't come home for two to three hours later. 😟  She fractured a vertebra in her back. Initially they thought they were going to have to do surgery. But they didn't have to. So I guess that was good. I feel so bad for her. I at least had someone at home who eventually helped me. I got her a card. I still need to write and send it out. 


Mimi said...

oh...hope you're ok now Tina. We need to be extra careful, as we get recovery is quite slow. I also slipped and landed on my butt last left foot got sprained, not so bad but it hurt so much for several days.

Tina said...

I am better thank you, Mimi.