Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Birthday Crochet Project And A Christmas One

 I don't know if I mentioned the sunflower towel topper I was thinking about crocheting? I have a pen pal I was going to send her a little gift for her birthday. I made this card (Pinterest inspired), and I was trying to think what to crochet that's "sunflower". And I remembered my old (one of my first pattern books ever that I bought) Annie's Attic sunflower kitchen booklet I have. And I wanted to tweak it to make it hold a towel. (Not have to sew it onto the towel).

This is what I came up with... Sigh... She says she loves it. I don't. I have another idea though. LoL....

And I got a new pattern to make a Christmas present... Can you guess what it is? 😝
How about now? Just kidding... It's a Stitch doll! (<-- Pattern link) My DIL (well, technically my future DIL) loves Stitch. And now they have a house and more room, I am going to crochet her one. And, I technically have my Christmas crocheting started. (I got my Christmas shopping started a couple weekends ago, too. I don't know if I blogged about that.) A Stitch ornament, for my DIL and our son. I don't know if they will get a big tree now. I know they have a little one. I should take a picture of the ornament.

Well, that's all for now. My son keeps asking me to go to a park with him. And (I soooooo don't want to) we're going to go today. I don't want to go for a walk. It's officially past the six week mark after my surgery, so I don't have any excuses now. Except that I don't want to!! 😭

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