Friday, September 11, 2020

Baby Quilt

I can't believe I got this far. Since it's taken me about 18 years to work on the one I started for Eon...  I had some five inch squares cut out for a tote bag (which I was going to try to sew into a diaper bag). I tried to match the two sides of the tote bag, and add squares to make a quilt top. But I don't have enough of the remaining fabric to make more squares to match. But, I did have about 20 something other squares cut out. And I watched a YouTube video about using "charm packs" (pre cut five inch squares) and chain piecing them...  (Missouri Star Quilts video.)  And I finished the quilt top in ONE day. (Four hours to be exact.) Then I sewed the two borders on.  And, it's been sitting. I am really afraid to quilt it. But I want to try today.  I've been "trying" all week, to sew.  But I am going to tell everyone I'm not going anywhere. I'm taking a sewing sabbatical.  😂       Somewhat related to this quilt (since this is why I started this quilt to begin with..), it was going to be for a baby that was born premature. The family has been going through hardships and lost their mother (not the mother of the baby)...  On Pine Ridge Reservation.  I sent two boxes of things already.  It seems like no one cares.  And, someone already sent a baby quilt for this baby. Soooo, I don't know what I will do with this quilt. 


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