Yup, we moved... I don't have any pictures on my computer of anything except project pictures. So I figured I would post some. This is an afghan I started (I'm currently working on it, it's in my lap). Someone posted one she did, on a group I'm in on Facebook. She posted a link to the pattern stitch she used: Sioda Purse. I think I chained 213 for this. I'm trying to use up scraps.
And this is a mini stocking, I have three done so far. For Wounded Warrors Project, I think? It's a group I'm in.
And some mitered grannies I've been working on every so often.
I also finished a pocket shawl, and I'm almost done with an open shoulder granny poncho. I don't have pictures so I guess that will have to be for another post.. I haven't felt like doing much since we moved. So I'm surprised I have anything finished. Oh, yeah...
We got a new kitten!! This was one week after we got her. We named her Eri. I got her from a wild cat rescue place. Her Mom, her brother and her were all living underneath someone's stairs. I wanted the brother, he was black (with brown undertones) and FLUFFY. And calm and cuddly. But Eon had his mind set on her. :)
She is a big sweetheart. She loves Cosmo, and Cosmo LOVES her. (I was relieved..) She's three months old now, and the sweetest thing ever. Well I thought I would post an update, and will try to post more. (I need to take more pictures..)
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