Remember the
blog contest I won the drawing for, on
Mimi's blog?! I won one of her beautiful chokers she made up the pattern for. And it came in the mail today, as the title of this post stated. I just love it, Mimi! The color and the beads are perfect. In fact, they match what I am wearing today, so I am wearing it right now!
Not the greatest picture (I am wearing tan shorts that are just a little lighter than the choker.) Kinda hard to take a picture of yourself. :p Thank you so much, Mimi. I absolutely love it and now I have two necklaces/chokers you made me! I will cherish them always. :D
Hee, hee, I love it too, Tina! Thanks so much for sharing your picture =)
You make a very good model ;)
Thanks Mimi. I wore it to a graduation party on Friday. My friend said she likes it! :D
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