Thursday, January 10, 2013


Eon doesn't love me any more!!...  :(

Over Christmas break, Eon and his Dad cleaned out his room. (You can see his closet floor now!)  Eon went through and decided what toys he doesn't play with/want anymore.  All the toys (and the Diego bag) I crocheted him were in one of the bags.  :**(   I don't know what to do with them all. I don't just want to throw them away. I know no one would want them, though.  I am keeping the Ensign Bear. But... I don't know what to do with the rest.  (Sigh..) It makes me not want to crochet anything again. 


Therese said...

They are all very nice and I bet there is someone out there that would love to have them. Do you have a community sharing in your area. Or donate them. I'm sure he will love to have more things crocheted by you. Don't give up.
Keep up the great crocheting.

paula said...

You MUST put them in a box in a "secret" place. Then, one day in the future, when Eon has a son, or daughter, give them to the baby . . his wife will think it is adorable.

Mimi said... might seem sad at first, Tina, but he just grew up fast. I think its good that he knows what he wants, my sons would somehow keep some stuff that are in the past. Though I wouldn't want to get rid of handmade items...I'd keep them if I were you, it gets to bring a lot of memories years after. I didn't even realize it then, so some of my handmades are nowhere to be found, and I wish I had saved it.