Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Back To School... (Already??!!!) :(

I was so not ready for the kids to go back to school yet. :(  I knew they went back earlier than every other single school across America, here.  :/  I guess in my mind I kept thinking, "We still have another month.."  Even though I knew otherwise. Sigh...   They started (officially) yesterday.  I was so confused about when they were actually starting. I knew Eon  went back on Thursday.  But when I looked at the school website for Eli, it said he went back on Tuesday.  I was so irritated, thinking, "Why can't they all start on the same day?!!" I could not find anything out from any of the school websites. I even "liked" the school site on facebook (only so I can find information out I need to know, because I DO NOT like the schools here!!)...    I finally figured out that the school websites calendars are for LAST YEAR??  And they both were supposed to go on Thursday. But...   (No one told me this either..)  It was only to pick up their schedules.  Grrrr!!! Every other school we have gone to they send out papers home, or email you ahead of time. I couldn't find anything out until last minute here.    I also still had not recieved Eons report card from fifth grade yet. And here it was, the next school year.   And I thought Nevada schools were bad... (They were in the Top Ten Worst Schools Nationwide list, but I can tell you the schools here are worse!)    Sorry for that rant...  

I had to beg, bribe, and sweeten the deal with cookies, to get them to let me take their pictures for the first day of school.  Lol.  They do not want their pictures taken...   But I got them.    I didn't realize they were so blurry. :(  I did get two more, but I haven't uploaded them to my computer yet..       This is Eli's last year of high school. (I can't believe it!!...)  Duke says, "I want to go to school, too.."  ;P

And Eon is a sixth grader now.  My baby is a sixth grader...

This isn't the best picture (I don't want to freak the mama bird out; so I try to hurry and take pictures, and I can't see what I am doing half the time, it's so bright out...)  But these are the baby birds so far. I was almost afraid to look (in case they all didn't make it) ~ But they are all alive and well! : They were looking at me. (I think they were afraid..)   I still cannot tell what kind of birds they are. The mama bird is a tan/brown bird, she looks like a sparrow, or a house finch.  I only catch her flying away when I open the door. One time I was pulling out of the driveway and got a better look.    They all have such little beaks, they are so cute...    I wanted to get some bird seed last night, and I forgot. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Baby Birds!!

Remember this?  I was getting worried that maybe I affected the eggs by watering the plant (I didn't know there was a nest in there- I stopped watering it when I found out..).  I just checked the nest again yesterday and told my husband maybe I killed them. :(

Well I checked again today, and there were babies!!!!  I am so happy, and excited. :D  One had his head straight up, and his mouth was open.  I put the plant back up and ran inside to get my phone so I could take a picture.  They were all moving around, so they must all be okay. :)    I don't want to touch them too much so I don't ruin anything.   

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bird Nest and Dogs

A bird made a nest in one of my ferns on the front porch.  I didn't know it, and had been just pouring water in it when watering them. :/ I had seen a bird in the plant, and looked for a nest. But I didn't see one. (My husband pulled the plant apart and saw the nest, later.)  I don't know if that affected the eggs. :(  Because I haven't heard any peeping of chicks yet..   We have solid woods across the road from us. I don't know why the bird picked my fern to build her nest. Especially when we are in and out of the front door all the time, and she has to constantly fly away.  We'll see if there are baby birds...

My husband's back has been bad lately.  He was laying on the floor, trying to stretch it.  Of course the dogs have to come running over...  

....It's so exciting for them.  Lol  Duke will jump all over you; and he weighs a ton.  Jetta is more reserved, and just puts her paw up on you.  ;P     My husbands' back is doing better now.  (Now his phone is broke..  Always something..)  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Tia's "Baby Shower" Present

I don't even know if Tia is actually having a baby shower..   I'm sure her family is probably doing something.  But... I wanted to send her something. It's not much. But with limited funds right now.  :/ I know when my husband and I had our first son, we didn't have money for anything. I wanted a nice diaper bag, so bad. If it wasn't for family helping us, we wouldn't have had even a crib, let alone a diaper bag.  I wanted to send some diapers and wipes, too. Maybe later. I don't have any money for it now, though.  I sent this out today.  All wrapped up.   I hope she likes it. I still don't know if she's having a boy or a girl. So.. I did neutral colors.  :)

Oh, and I made her this card, too. Not exactly how I had pictured it in my head, but...   I don't have the tools to make what I was thinking of.   I don't think I have ever used any of these baby stamps.  Then inside, I stamped, "Congratulations".  The white scalloped strip is supposed to be "lace".    :)    Her baby is due August 9th. So I wanted to get it out as soon as I could.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Problem With Scrap Yarn Projects..

I do this all the time..   I started another "Scrap yarn" project yesterday. I wasn't feeling good (still aren't). So I just sat on the couch and crocheted.  I wanted to do a quick baby afghan. So I dug through all my patterns...  Finally decided to do the Mile-A-Minute pattern. I haven't made one of those in a loooong time.  Like since our oldest son was a little guy. 

I knew when I started that I only had two colors of Simply Soft. I chose that since it is a baby afghan..   And, this is what I have so far.  I have more of the lavender. But. :/   I guess I will have to get one (or two or three) more balls..   :P

Here is another project I ran out of yarn for. :/  I don't have the ballband either. I keep thinking it is Bernat yarn. But I don't know.. I need more of both the greens.  The pattern says to just finish off with the trim row on top, here. But it looks way too short, don't you think?  I will have to go look at the last one I did.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Mint Green Baby Set #2 (For Tia's Baby)

Guess what? I finished this set today, too.  And guess what else? I found the pattern!! Woo Hoo. And guess what else? I HAVE made this sweater before. (That's how I found the pattern ~ link on Ravelry, in my projects page).  Baby Sweater  pattern. I used the Shell Baby Hat pattern, and the Roll-Top Booties pattern.  They are both free Ravelry downloads. I think I mentioned in my last post, a weird coincidence. I had picked this sweaterpattern out to make for Tia just looking through my patterns. I didn't realize; til I was almost done, that it is the same exact stitch pattern as the baby blanket I made her.

Mint Green Baby Set

This is a set I finished for the OB Unit for July.  Its Sue's No-Holes Hexagon Sweater, SLK Baby Hat, and SLK Booties. I'm also working on another Caterpillar Cocoon. 

I bought the yarn at Big Lots. I haven't been able to find a mint green baby yarn color that I like. But when my husband and I went to Big Lots one day, I saw some yarn there and I got a skein of the green.  Then I went back and got two more. :D  I was digging through my patterns to try and find a baby sweater like the ones I used to make. I don't have the pattern anymore. I'm pretty sure it was by Leisure Arts.  There were two patterns, Strawberry Lace and a boy pattern (I can't remember the name..)  Anyway, I found one- this one, that I made. It's no longer available, and I don't think I will make it again, either. :/  The two front edges do not even meet.  The pattern had two ties to "connect it". But I don't like to use ties for baby things. (Choking hazard.)   Anyway. I think I will still send this to Tia for her baby. I am crocheting a little hat and will have to find a bootie pattern that might go with it.   Funny thing, this sweater uses the same pattern stitch as Tia's baby blanket. I didn't realize it til I was almost done with the sweater. I didn't really look through the pattern before I started it. So I thought that was a weird coincidence.   Anyway, I tried the wayback machine, but maybe someone else might have better luck with it; if you want the sweater pattern, the url is: http://members.aol.com/fourleafc11064/page11.html